This service is provided completely free of charge, ensuring accessibility for all who need it. There are no hidden fees or costs associated with the use of these services. Our commitment is to offer support without any financial burden to the users. This no-cost approach is designed to alleviate stress and make essential services readily available. We believe in supporting our community by providing these services at no charge.

Our recruitment process for field staff is thorough and meticulous. It begins with a personal interview to understand the candidate's background and motivations. Following this, we administer a comprehensive questionnaire designed to assess their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and personality traits. To ensure the highest standards, we collaborate with an external expert specializing in human behavior for this evaluation. Additionally, we conduct thorough criminal background checks and verify academic qualifications and other relevant certifications. This rigorous process ensures that we select only the most capable and trustworthy individuals to join our team.

Certainly, we can organize a home visit to address your specific needs. This visit allows us to better understand your unique situation and requirements, ensuring that we can provide the most appropriate and effective service tailored to your circumstances. Our team will work closely with you to schedule a convenient time for this visit, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.

Absolutely, we maintain a dedicated list of backup personnel specifically for such situations. This ensures that in the event of any unforeseen circumstances, there is always a qualified and trained individual ready to step in and provide seamless care without any disruption to the service you rely on. Our backup staff are equally skilled and adhere to the same high standards as our primary caregivers.

In Puerto Rico, the legal framework exempts housekeepers from needing certification from an accredited institution. However, we place a high value on continuous education and skill enhancement. As part of our commitment to quality care, we regularly encourage our staff to participate in workshops focused on elderly care services, fostering their professional growth and enhancing their caregiving skills.

Certainly. At the outset of our service, each participant receives a visit from a Home Service Manager along with the assigned housekeeper. During this visit, the participant and their family are thoroughly briefed about their rights and informed of the responsibilities and duties of the housekeeper. This process is essential to establish clear expectations and mutual understanding. To formalize this arrangement, an agreement is then signed by both parties, ensuring a transparent and agreed-upon framework for the services to be provided. This initial step is crucial in building a foundation of trust and clarity for the duration of our service.

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